AKTUALIZÁCIA: Dve singleplayerové hry budú na PC kompletne nehrateľné
Ubisoft pridal hneď niekoľko hier do svojho zoznamu hier s ukončenou online podporou. Po 1. septembri 2022 v týchto hrách pochopiteľne nebudú dostupné akékoľvek multiplayerové zložky. Čo je už menej pochopiteľné a hlavne neakceptovateľné, je fakt, že po tomto dátume sa PC hráči môžu rozlúčiť s DLC obsahom zakúpeným v daných hrách.
Ubisoft toto obmedzenie zhodil na nemožnosť overiť vlastníctvo zakúpeného obsahu, keďže to bolo riešené práve online skrz server check. Je to až úsmevne drzé a nekompetentné, ale tak už sme si evidentne na podobné lapsusy od AAA štúdii zvykli. Je však naozaj brutálne, že si hráč, ktorý si DLC poctivo zakúpil, bude musieť v budúcnosti dané DLC upirátiť a pridať do hry za pomoci DLC unlockeru. Nevymyslíš 🙂
Nižšie už nájdete zoznam ovplyvnených hier. Ja už len dodám, že sa to netýka remasterov Assassin’s Creed III a Far Cry 3.
Anno 2070 | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. |
Assassin’s Creed II | PC, PlayStation 3 | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. |
Assassin’s Creed 3 (2012 Release)* | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to downloadable content (DLC) will be unavailable. |
PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. | |
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. | |
Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD | PC | You will be unable to link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
Assassin’s Creed Revelations | PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to play multiplayer or use online features. |
Driver San Francisco | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. | |
Far Cry 3 (2012 Release)* | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. | |
Ghost Recon Future Soldier | PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | The multiplayer for the game will be unavailable. To play the solo campaign, you will have to set your console into offline mode. |
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
Rayman Legends | PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. |
Silent Hunter 5 | PC | You will be unable to link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features.Additionally, the installation and access to DLC will be unavailable. |
Space Junkies | PC (HTC VIVE, Oculus) | As a multiplayer only title, you will be unable to play the game going forward. |
Splinter Cell: Blacklist | PC | You will be unable to play multiplayer, link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. |
PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 | You will be unable to link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. | |
ZombiU | Wii U | You will be unable to link Ubisoft accounts in-game or use online features. |
Zdroj: Ubisoft