PlayStation Plus

Sony zlúči PlayStation Plus a PS Now do trojstupňového predplatného

Sony odhalilo svoje plány, ktoré už dlhšiu dobu naznačovalo pod kódovým označením Project Spartacus. Tento pokus o konkurenciu pre Xbox Game Pass však nakoniec nie je tak úplne na úrovni Game Passu. Sony neplánuje do služby pridávať svoje exkluzivity v deň vydania, ako to robí Microsoft pri Game Passe. V skratke ide o skombinovanie stávajúcich predplatiteľských služieb PS Plus a PS Now (ktorý u nás nikdy nebol dostupný) do troch úrovní predplatného.

Rozbor Essential, Extra a Premium úrovní už nájdete nižšie, ale ešte upozorním, že streamovanie PS3 hier sa na našom území stále nechystá a pre náš trh tak bude namiesto Premium verzie PS Plus ponúkaná úroveň s názvom Deluxe za zníženú cenu. Ponúkne všetko čo Premium, okrem spomínaného streamovania.

PlayStation Plus Essential


  • Provides the same benefits that PlayStation Plus members are getting today, such as:
    • Two monthly downloadable games
    • Exclusive discounts
    • Cloud storage for saved games
    • Online multiplayer access
  • There are no changes for existing PlayStation Plus members in this tier.

Price* for PlayStation Plus Essential remains the same as the current price for PlayStation Plus.

  • United States
    • $9.99 monthly / $24.99 quarterly / $59.99 yearly
  • Europe
    • €8.99 monthly / €24.99 quarterly / €59.99 yearly
  • United Kingdom
    • £6.99 monthly / £19.99 quarterly / £49.99 yearly 
  • Japan
    • ¥850 monthly / ¥2,150 quarterly / ¥5,143 yearly

PlayStation Plus Extra


  • Provides all the benefits from the Essential tier
  • Adds a catalog of up to 400 of the most enjoyable PS4 and PS5 games – including blockbuster hits from our PlayStation Studios catalog and third-party partners. Games in the Extra tier are downloadable for play.


  • United States
    • $14.99 monthly / $39.99 quarterly / $99.99 yearly
  • Europe
    • €13.99 monthly / €39.99 quarterly / €99.99 yearly
  • United Kingdom
    • £10.99 monthly / £31.99 quarterly / £83.99 yearly 
  • Japan
    • ¥1,300 monthly / ¥3,600 quarterly / ¥8,600 yearly

PlayStation Plus Premium


  • Provides all the benefits from Essential and Extra tiers
  • Adds up to 340 additional games, including:
    • PS3 games available via cloud streaming
    • A catalog of beloved classic games available in both streaming and download options from the original PlayStation, PS2 and PSP generations 
  • Offers cloud streaming access for original PlayStation, PS2, PSP and PS4 games offered in the Extra and Premium tiers in markets where PlayStation Now is currently available. Customers can stream games using PS4 and PS5 consoles, and PC.
  • Time-limited game trials will also be offered in this tier, so customers can try select games before they buy.


  • United States
    • $17.99 monthly / $49.99 quarterly / $119.99 yearly
  • Europe
    • €16.99 monthly / €49.99 quarterly / €119.99 yearly
  • United Kingdom
    • £13.49 monthly / £39.99 quarterly / £99.99 yearly 
  • Japan
    • ¥1,550 – monthly / ¥4,300 – quarterly / ¥10,250 yearly

Zdroj: Sony

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