Fallout 76 Nuke

Fallout 76 dostal pred druhou vlnou beta testov 30GB update

More bugfixov, balancovania, zlepšenia stability/výkonu… Všetko možné, len to najpodstatnejšie nie.

Fallout 76

Ale že je to macek! Celá hra na kompletku vyšla na cca 47 GB a tento jeden update sám o sebe na 30 GB! Bude dostupný na stiahnutie ešte pred začatím dnešnej bety (od 19 do 21 hod. – 8.11. od 20:00 do 1:00).

Jeho obsah Bethesda prezradila prostredníctvom svojho fóra. Má obsahovať už spomínané vylepšenia stability (ako hry, tak aj launchera), vyhladenie frameratu na niektorých miestach mapy, locknuté fps na 144 (aby sa predišlo “speedhackom”), zmeny vo vybalancovaní healthu a udelovanému damagu voči scorched super mutantom zvýšená efektivita melee zbraní.

Zmenou prešiel aj crafting. Boli zvýšené požiadavky na tvorenie hádzacích nožov a tomahawkov. Tie sa po novom nebudú dať predať v obchodoch (čomu moc nerozumiem).

Obmieňanie a reštartovanie eventov sa poupravilo zo 45 minút na 1h 12 min.

Opravy v animáciách postáv a nepriateľov (najmä oprava bugu, kedy sa nepriatelia dávali do defaultnej “T-pózy”) a renderovania vody (bez blikania textúr).

Ďalšie zmeny:


  • Voice Chat: Selecting “Play with Team” from the Main Menu no longer causes voice chat to stop functioning for non-leader teammates.

Camp, workshops, and crafting

  • Workshops: Successfully defending a Workshop no longer awards more Aid items than intended.


  • I Am Become Death: Launching a Nuke will now complete the “I Am Become Death” Quest for all teammates.
  • Rewards: Completing the “First Contact” and “Thirst Thing’s First” quests no longer award more Aid items than intended.

User interface

  • Languages: Improvements have been made to better support text display across several languages, including: Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
  • Languages: Blueprints now accept names that utilize Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese characters.
  • Languages: Running Fallout 76 with language options set to Traditional or Simplified Chinese no longer causes the game to launch in English.
  • Login [PC]: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from logging into Fallout 76 on PC.
  • Resolution [PC]: Adjusting Windows Display Scaling settings no longer causes the game to launch in lower or higher resolutions than expected.
  • Map: Map markers no longer disappear when attempting to respawn after dying while overencumbered and possessing no Caps.
  • Settings [PC]: The Lighting Quality setting can now correctly be changed to High.
  • Social: Players will no longer encounter a “Failed to reconnect to team.” error message at the Main Menu screen.
  • Social: Fixed an issue that could prevent players from seeing one another in the Social Menu after adding each other as friends.
  • Trading: Attempting to trade with a player who is entering Power Armor no longer causes the game client to become unresponsive.

Chýba teda nastaviteľné FOV, depth of field, bloom, godrays, nejaké poriadne zlepšenia ovládania na PC a aj push to talk…

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